Thursday, June 6, 2013

day five.

I was sick all this morning through the afternoon today. We walked up the hill to CURE Hospital at 8am, so we could do a bible study with the staff there. It was..interesting haha. We sang hymns acappella sitting around a table in a barn type thing. Then, we read scripture and the workers quizzed us haha it was more unique than it sounds. I felt fine during the bible study. Then the ladies in the kitchen cooking needed some help, so Magan, Jenna, and I went and learned how to cut lettuce and helped do that.... that's when I got a little sick heh. I ended up having to walk back down to our house with Sara (core team leader) and I slept until from 9-3:30ish, through lunch and everything. I hated I stayed at the house all day, but after I  woke up I felt so much better. At 3:45 we headed over to Little Lambs after-school care, which I was really happy about since I wasn't able to do anything earlier. I loved Little Lambs! It was so much fun. We got to play with the kids the whole time. The lady in charge is hilarious. We played at least ten games with the kids and everybody and they all were so much fun. The children in the program sang us songs and introduced themselves and told their memory verse for that week.

 One little girl there I absolutely fell in love with was Florence. She is thirteen years old and is in seventh grade. She sat by me in one of the games and all she would do the whole time during the game was play with my hair. She kept telling me she liked my hair and would ask if she could have it haha. I told her I would cut it all off so she could, and she just thought that was the funniest thing in the world. Florence also referred to my hair as "flexible." Hahaha i loved it. I took jumping pictures of her and she absolutely loved it. Towards the end when we were saying bye she had tears in her eyes. She told me she would never forget me, and that's something I will never forget. What breaks my heart even more is that I really didn't do anything special... I loved her, that was it. I played with her. And I simply cared. We take that for granted a lot at home. I ended up giving her a leather bracelet that had my name "HANNAH" carved in it. To make sure she really doesn't ever forget me. She was extremely excited about that, especially since a lot of the kids there all ask for our bracelets on our wrists. After we left Little Lambs, we came home and rested and ate dinner. Tonight is Harmony's birthday so we get real chocolate cake and brownies. YAY. Tomorrow is safari too! eeeeek

 Florence and I
  Florence and I
  Florence and I

 Duncan and I
  Florence, Duncan, and I

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