Sunday, June 9, 2013

day six. day seven. day eight.

six. seven. eight.

Day six is the day we left for our group + Steve's trip to the Mara. It was incredible! It took six hours to get there, and when got there we went on an evening safari until 6:30pm. The Mara is so b e a u t i f u l. We saw the sunset, lions, zebras, wildebeests, elephants, and more. I don't see how anyone could look at a view like that and believe there couldn't be a God. The next day, day seven, we went on a TEN HOUR LONG safari. It was beautiful.. but ten hours in a car gets a little nauseating hahah. Today, which is day eight, we woke up at 6:30am and went out on the Mara for a sunrise safari. The sunrise was incredible. We ended up seeing a lion eating a wildebeest! Verrrry interesting. We headed back to Kijabe a little later and went back to the house. The others who didn't go on safari were at a church in Maai-Maau since it's Sunday. Our room was moved to the upstairs in the house because a doctor from the United States is here with his son and P.A... apparently he's the surgeon who did surgery on Derrick Rose's broken leg. He's also the surgeon/doctor for the Chicago Bulls and White Sox, a professor for surgery at a college in Chicago, and does seminars for surgeries. Pretty cool!

Joe and Alyssa, two from group b, asked me about my testimony so I was able to share that with them. Magan shared hers too. The other group didn't get back until like 6ish. After we all ate, some of us went to RVA for SNL (Sunday Night Live.) Which is student led worship and prayer. I loved it. It was mostly worship songs from the 1990's, and we sang at least ten songs. After worship, they asked us when we felt led to go and pray with two others. Matt and I prayed together, and then Joe came and prayed with us too. After the service some guy from the school held up my phone and was going around asking if it was anyones....haha I had no idea it was missing, I thought I had left it at the house. So that was kinda good since I already lost my camera. Tomorrow we are going to Lamuncha Massai Village. It's also group a's last day :(

Here are some pictures from safari.

Here are some quotes from Ann Voskamp's One Thousand Gifts.

"Who deserves ANY grace?"
"Grace that chooses to bear the cross of suffering overcomes that suffering."
"God CHOSE to cut into my ungrateful heart to make me whole."
"In the emptiness we have the opportunity to turn to God- the only begetter of grace- and there find all the fullness of joy."

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