Wednesday, July 10, 2013


If you are just now reading my blog, thanks for checking it out :)

So, if you didn't already know- I went to Africa for the first two weeks of June with my best friend. A lot of people have been asking me about my trip and how it was and everything... and it's just like I don't know what to say. There is so much. SO. MUCH. So when I tell people about the trip, I try to tell bits and parts... but I just feel like it's hopeless trying to explain it.. because it's just one of those things you have to see for yourself. But that is SO selfish of me to not tell of how God worked in Africa, just because I'm not good explaining things like this.

So, I pray that through my daily thoughts in this journal-blog-whatever, you see my words in a way you wouldn't normally by just hearing me tell you about it. I pray that God uses me to speak to every person who reads this. Whether because you saw it on twitter, facebook, pinterest, ACCIDENTLY clicked on the link.. or if you are like me and google "africa orphans missions blog" and anything of the sort trying to find a blog about missions in Africa. Whatever it is, I pray God SPEAKS.

So: while I was in Africa I kept a journal, and every night I was there I wrote in it. Which was the best thing I could have ever done. Within the time that I was there it's would have been easy to forget what happened in what order.. how it happened, and all that. So, I decided to write.

Normally, I wouldn't share something like this with the whole world. BUT stuff like this shouldn't be kept from other people. It should be SHARED with the world- that's why I'm doing this. This is also for all of my wonderful friends, family, and people who supported me in any way- emotionally, prayerfully, and financially. This opportunity would have never been possible without yall!

p.s.  I am not a writer, at all. I never write. I'm reallly add and I always get really off topic or ramble haha. So, as you are reading this and read of a person you have no idea who it is, or have no idea what is going on....keep that in mind.

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