Wednesday, June 12, 2013

day eleven.

Today was our last day. I thought it would be bittersweet leaving after two weeks, but it's not. I don't want to leave. ever.

We went to Naomi's early and gave them some of the supplies my moms class sent with us, and left around 12:30 and ate at a place called "mama's"...... interesting place. We went to IDP after eating, and I got to see Brian. He came right up to me for me to hold him. Harmonee, Sara, and I took him, Beyonce and his cousin Ian in a classroom and got to give them all shoes!! Bryan had only one shoe on, which was more than any of the other days when he had none on at all. It was incredible watching them get SHOES... their only pair. That slapped me in the face...thinking about all the shoes I have, most that I don't even wear.

Saying goodbye was tough. And with not knowing what will happen with the Naomi's situation & Brian and Beyonce...much less with them in general at all,  it was even harder. I'm not good with goodbyes in the first place so this situation didn't help any. I'm still trying not to think and pray negatively about all of this but instead trust God to take care of these babies... and do what HE knows is best. But it's so hard sometimes.... like what do you do when that's not his plan? God is still God and God is still good.... but why these babies? and why why why..... and I'll probably never know the answer to these questions of why them. Why Bryan and Beyonce. But He has a bigger and better plan than I can even imagine. I have to remember He is SOVEREIGN. afdbkajNfl I really can't process my thoughts right now.

I'm gonna miss all my little ones at Naomi's too, so so so so much.

Goodbyes really stink.

I am trying to work it out where I get to take my compassion child, Christine, her backpack of surprises I fixed for her to the compassion center tomorrow before we go to the airport.

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